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Department of Information Technology

General Workshop Information

The objective of MCC 2009, Second Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing in Uppsala November 26-27, 2009 is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to present and discuss the recent work in the area of multi-core computing. The workshop is organized as an activity within the network "Swedish Multicore Initiative".

Program Committee

Parosh Abulla (Uppsala), Mats Brorsson (KTH), Håkan Grahn (Blekinge), Erik Hagersten (Uppsala), Elisabeth Larsson (Uppsala), Simin Nadjm-Tehrani (Linköping), Paul Pettersson (MDH), Per Stenström (Chalmers), Philippas Tsigas (Chalmers), Andras Vajda (Ericsson).


The workshop proceedings will available as a report. Workshop participants will receive a printed version at the workshop.


Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has kindly decided to support financing of international keynote speakers and registration and accommodation costs for participating Swedish doctoral students.

Updated  2009-12-01 10:47:54 by Roland Grönroos.