Computing Education Research (CER) addresses learning and teaching in the computing discipline. It is founded in an understanding of the discipline using theories and methods from education research and other relevant disciplines, such as psychology and sociology. Typical areas of study (related to the computing discipline) are learning and teaching core concepts and skills, curricula development, intercultural and interdisciplinary collaboration, identities and inclusion. The educational context has a focus on higher education, but K-12 and lifelong learning, as well as both formal and informal learning, are also addressed.
Uppsala Computing Education Research Group, UpCERG, conducts research in computing and engineering education aiming at increasing understanding of students, teachers, and their interaction with the learning environment. This understanding can then inform design of future education.
The aims are two-fold:
- the theoretical focus is to gain insights in how computing can be understood and learned by students, how to design environments suitable for learning computing, and how to research these entities and the relation between them.
- the pragmatic focus is to enhance students' learning and academic teaching practice in computing and engineering
Currently (and recently) funded projects address Globalisation and Culture, Student Conceptions and Ways of Understanding Computing, Learning Professional Skills, and Technology Supported Education.
Research Topics
Holistic perspectives on computing education
- Curriculum development (Aletta, Mats, Lars-Åke)
- Humans, human values and identity in computing education
- Capital development in the computing classroom (Thom, Tina, Åsa)
- Role models in computing (Mats, Virginia)
- Development of professional competences and identity (Aletta, Mats)
- Reflection as part of professional development (Aletta, Mats, Virginia)
- Perceptions in computing education (Aletta, Mats, Virginia, Sofia)
- How factors in students’ backgrounds influence their perception of, and interest and career in computing. (Caroline, Thom, Tina)
- Attitudes and behaviour in computing education (Aletta, Mats, Sofia)
- Emotions (Aletta, Anna, Mats, Virginia)
Teaching and learning computing in K-12 and higher education
- Informal education (Tina, Åsa)
- Project-based education
- Students’ learning in projects (Aletta, Mats)
- Open-ended problems (Aletta, Mats)
- Authentic settings (Mats, Virginia)
- Design of progressive learning environments (Aletta, Mats)
- Computing teachers' professional development
- Reflection as part of teacher development (Aletta, Mats, Virginia)
- Development of digital competences among teachers (Lars-Åke)
- CS self-efficacy among teachers and its implication on student learning (Lars-Åke)
- Aspects of students’ learning (Anna, Johan, Lars-Åke, Sofia)
- Novice programming (Anna, Johan)
Theories and methods in computing education research
- Technology enhanced educational research (Johan)
- Phenomenography and variation theory in CSed (Anna)
- Learning analytics (Johan, Aletta, Anna)
- Reflection (Aletta, Mats)
- Models for computing education research (Mats)
Research Entities
Faculty Members
- 1DT032
Advanced Computer Science Studies in Sweden
- 1DT061
Computing Education Research
- 1DT092
Global Software Product Development
- 1DT350
Independent Project in Information Engineering
- 1DL931
Independent Project in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering - IT Systems
- 1DT091
Independent Project in Technology with Specialisation in Computer Science (basic level)
- 1DT097
Independent Project in Technology with Specialisation in Computer Science (advanced level)
- 1DL471
Information Management Systems
- 1DT110
Information Technology: Possibilities and Challenges
- 1DT051
Information Technology
- 1DT086
Introduction to Studies in Embedded Systems
- 1DT012
IT and Society
- 1DL006
Programming for Teacher Training Students
- 1TD726
Computer Programming II for Teachers
- 1DT067
Science Education in Computing
- 1DT105
School Placement 3: Technology with Specialisation in Computing, Upper Secondary School