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Department of Information Technology
Department of Information Technology

PhD student positions in Scientific Computing 2010

The Division of Scientific Computing at Uppsala University is a leading center for research and education in Scientific Computing. The research has a broad scope, ranging from numerical analysis over software development and high-performance computing to collaborative projects in Computational Science and Engineering, and industrial applications. The research is organized in two research programs (Computational Science and Numerical Analysis) with a common graduate (PhD) education program in Scientific Computing. More information on the research at the Division is given here.

The Division has an extensive international and national research network and co-leads the
Uppsala-Lund-Umeå e-Science consortium eSSENCE, which is a new major Strategic Research Area effort funded by the Swedish Ministry of Education. The Division also leads the Uppsala Center for Interdisciplinary Mathematics and participates in the Center of Excellence UPMARC funded by the Swedish Research Council.

The Division hereby announces approximately five new PhD student positions. The application should include a letter with a description of the candidate's research interests and earlier experience. A number of links to more information about possible PhD student projects are posted below, and candidates may choose to apply for a position within just one of these projects, to list several of them as interesting, or even to suggest another field in scientific computing. The application should also contain a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of the Master thesis (or a draft thereof), relevant publications, and other relevant documents. A selection of the candidates will be invited to an interview before the positions are filled.

A PhD student position requires a Master of Science or an equvialent exam in a field which is relevant for the topic of the PhD thesis. However, candidates which can be assumed to be awarded a Master degree soon (e.g. currently working on their Masters thesis) are also eligible to apply. Candidates should mention the earliest feasible starting date of employment.

The PhD student position is for a maximum of four years of study and includes departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching). The salary amounts currently to about 22,200 SEK per month in the first year.

The deadline for applications (written in Swedish or English) is November 8. The applications should be submitted electronically, the formal announcement and the electronic application form is available here.

For further information please contact one or more of the contact persons given in the descriptions of proposed projects below. You may also contact Professor Sverker Holmgren or Professor Gunilla Kreiss.

Examples of PhD Student Projects

Computational methods for quantum-classical molecular dynamics

Development and analysis of numerical methods for the time dependent Schrödinger equation

Numerical methods and software for quantitative genetics

Stochastic Simulation of Reaction-Diffusion Models of Living Cells

Adaptive finite difference methods for option pricing problems

Uncertainty quantification for numerical simulation of partial differential equations

Numerical methods for second order hyperbolic systems

Computational methods for the simulation of multi-phase problems

Multicore and graphics cards for finite element simulation of two-phase flow

Updated  2010-10-26 11:09:08 by Sverker Holmgren.